There’s nothing like a chocolate chip cookie and a glass of milk at the end of a tiresome day! Chocolate chip cookies might be one of the most popular sweet treats of all time, and for a good reason. With the sweetness of the melted chocolate chips and the comforting warmth of the cookie, it’s no wonder this tasty dessert is loved by so many. Maybe you prefer crispy and crunchy cookies, or you like them soft and chewy. Either way, let me help you bake the best batch of cookies you’ve ever made with tips that will help you accomplish your desired texture. No matter how the cookie crumbles, you’ll love the results from this chocolate chip cookie recipe. Let’s get into it.


200 grams – Softened butters

110 grams – Powdered sugar (also called icing sugar or confectioner’s sugar)

½ teaspoon – Vanilla extract

260 grams – All-purpose flour

70 grams – Almond flour

10 grams – Cocoa powder

2 – Egg yolks

120 grams – Bittersweet chocolate chips


When rolling out your cookie dough, remember that the thinner your cookie dough, the crunchier your cookie will be. So, if you prefer your cookies to be soft and chewy, make sure your cookie dough is thicker, but if you like your cookies to be nice and crunchy, roll your cookie dough out thinner.

To prevent your cookies from overbaking, take them out of the oven once you notice the sides start to brown. Keep them in the tray and let the residual heat bake your cookies to doneness without burning them. Don’t make the mistake of keeping your cookies in the oven until the whole cookie browns because the chocolate chips might burn leaving a bitter taste when you bit into them. Also, when your cookies cool, they’ll harden a little bit. Thus, if they’re overbaked, they’ll be too hard once they cool.

If you don’t have any chocolate chips, don’t worry! You can use chocolate bars and break them up into smaller pieces, and use this instead.

Finally, if you don’t own a rolling pin, you can roll out your dough with a bottle or anything of a cylindrical shape.


As always, be sure to preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

In a bowl, add 200 grams of softened butter. Break the butter up with a spatula and stir until it’s light and fluffy. To this, add 110 grams of powdered sugar to your butter, and mix it well with your spatula. Then you’ll want to mix in half teaspoon of vanilla extract and continue mixing. After these have been well mixed, sift in 260 grams of all-purpose flour, 70 grams of almond flour, and 10 grams of cocoa powder. Fold these gently into the butter-sugar mixture with your spatula. Halfway through your mixing (the ingredients should not be entirely combined at this point), add two egg yolks, then continue mixing with your spatula.

At some point when the mixture becomes too stiff, you may ditch your spatula and use your hands to form the dough. After everything is all mixed and your dough forms, combine 120 grams of chocolate chips into your dough. You can use any chocolate chips, but I used bittersweet chocolate chips to keep the sweetness tasteful.

Now that your cookie dough is ready, you’ll need to roll it out. Place your dough on a sheet of cling film, then take another sheet of cling film and place this flat on top of your dough. Roll out your cookie dough with a rolling pin to your desired width (Remember! The thinner, the crispier). Once your dough is rolled out, place it on a tray and keep it in the fridge for about 1 hour.

After 1 hour, get your cookie cutters out! You can use any shape and size of cookie cutters; be sure to get the most out of your dough. If you have scrap pieces of dough, you can combine these scraps, re-roll your dough, and make an extra cookie or two out of this.


Place your cut cookies into a parchment-lined baking tray, and bake your cookies in the oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 10-15 minutes or until the sides of your cookies start to brown.

Once your cookies are baked, let them sit in the baking tray for five minutes before transferring them to a cooling-rack to cool completely.

And just like that, you’ve got a fresh batch of chocolate chip cookies! Give this recipe a try, and see how amazing this easy-to-make treat is.